
For the Glory of God and by the Grace of God…
“Our mission is to love God, love each other, and love the world.”

We love God primarily through our worship and spiritual growth
We love each other primarily through our service and care for each other
We love our neighbors and the world by serving temporal and eternal needs.

Core Values

While FNC has many beliefs (as summarized by the Westminster Confessional of Faith, the Westminster Shorter Catechism or Westminster Larger Catechism), we have a few core values. We desire every ministry of our church to be centered around our core values. Put it another way, this is the “culture” of our church. We desire these core values to seep through all that we do.

Gospel Driven

The gospel is the good news of how we have been redeemed through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. However, this good news not only saves us, but fundamentally changes our motivation. We are no longer driven by legalism/religion (I must obey to be accepted by God) or irreligion (it doesn’t matter if I obey). But rather, because we have been fully accepted and loved through the work of Christ, we now obey. The gospel motivates all that we do here in FNC.

A Safe Haven for Doubt (Seekers/Skeptics)

We welcome all who are exploring Christianity. We understand that many people may find Christian beliefs far-fetched, offensive or inconsistent. We also know that for many, their personal experiences challenge Christian beliefs about the goodness, sovereignty or love of God. We desire to be a safe community for those who have questions (though we may not have all the answers) or for those processing the implications of Christian belief (no matter how long that might take). Furthermore, Christians themselves struggle with doubt and the teachings of Scripture. All are welcome.

Anchored in the Scriptures

The Scriptures anchor all that we do at FNC. We not only desire to teach and preach from the Scriptures faithfully, but we desire to do all things according to the Scriptures. When it comes to what we believe or how we do ministry, the first place we turn to are the Scriptures. This doesn’t mean Christians aren’t thinkers. On the contrary, we believe that being anchored to the Scriptures challenges us to think deeply. We desire to be a place where thinkers would come to belief, and believers would come to think.

Rooted in Prayer

We are a community who desires to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17). We strive to express our thanks, dependence, confession, praise, frustrations and needs in prayer towards Him.

Gracious Family

Church is not a building or location, but rather a family redeemed by Jesus Christ. We desire to be a family whose members rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep (Rom 12:15). As a family, we are called to encourage and build up one another in love marked by involvement, humility, gentleness, patience, grace and respect.

Word and Deed Discipleship

We desire to make disciples who not only grow in their understanding of the Scriptures, but also grow in their likeness to Jesus Christ. Jesus teaches us to not only share the gospel, but to bless our neighbors with our good works and deeds (Matt 5:16). We desire to be a blessing to the neighborhood of San Gabriel Valley.